HomeEFNR Constitution

EFNR Constitution


1. Name

The organization shall be known as the “European Federation of NeuroRehabilitation Societies” (EFNR). The organization will have its headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and will be active throughout Europe. From the date of its creation, all European national / regional societies and European members of the World Federation of NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR) are allowed to be affiliated upon bilateral agreement.

2. Purpose

The European Federation of NeuroRehabilitation Societies (EFNR) is an international, nonpartisan, non-denominational, nonprofit organization, dedicated to research, education, intellectual and scientific exchange, advocacy and philanthropic activities in the field of NeuroRehabilitation and related professional areas of expertise in Europe.

3. Relation to the World Federation of NeuroRehabilitation

The EFNR will support the aims and objectives of the World Federation of NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR) and will consult and collaborate with the WFNR in relation to the planning and organization of its meetings and other activities.

4. Means to achieve the purpose of the organization

The purpose of the organization will be achieved by the following undertakings:

a) Spread of knowledge in the field of neurorehabilitation including the organization of European Neurorehabilitation congresses.
b) Consulting in the field of public health on relevant topics of neurorehabilitation.
c) Funds can be raised through fees by joining the organization and membership.
d) Revenue from the organization of meetings
e) Donations
f) Other income

5. Forms of membership

1. Membership of the organization is divided into ordinary, and extra ordinary membership.

I. Ordinary Membership

National / Regional Society Membership
Any national society with an interest in neurological rehabilitation shall be eligible for membership in this category. The membership status of national societies shall be decided by the Presidium. The President (or nominated representative) of each national society formally affiliated to the EFNR is a voting Member of the Council.

In countries in which no national NeuroRehabilitation Society exists, a representative can be nominated by the NeuroRehabilitation Section of the National Society involved in this activity.

II. Extraordinary Membership

This category is also split into two sub-categories

a. Honorary Membership
Honorary members shall be elected from amongst those who, in the opinion of the Presidium of the EFNR, have made an exceptional contribution to the global development of neurological rehabilitation. Honorary members shall be proposed by at least two members of the Presidium and shall be elected by the Council. Honorary Members are members of Presidium without voting rights.

b. Corporate and Institutional Membership
Any organization, company or foundation that has an interest in promoting the development of neurorehabilitation shall be eligible for corporate or institutional membership upon a proposal of the Presidium and shall be elected by a majority vote of the Council. Corporate membership refers to commercial organizations such as manufacturers of pharmaceuticals or rehabilitation technology. Institutional membership refers to organizations related to science, education or the provision of services (such as hospitals, clinics etc.). Corporate and institutional membership does not carry voting rights. An annual fee for membership can be negotiated with the presidium for corporate and institutional

6. Termination of membership

1. Membership will terminate by resignation.
2. Resignation can also be affected by 31st December of the ongoing year. Resignation must be announced to the presidium at least three months prior to the end of the year in a written form. If the announcement is too late, the termination is only possible in the following year.
3. Exclusion from membership from the organization can be decided by the presidium upon severe violation of membership duties and undue behavior of members.
5. The dissolution of honorary membership can only be decided by the Council after an application from the presidium.

7. Rights and duties of members

1. Members have the right to participate in all activities of the organization.
2. Every member has the right to be informed about the activities of the organization.
3. Members have to be informed by the presidium about the approved financial status.
4. Members are obliged to support the purposes of the organization at their very best and to refrain from all activities which are an act to impair the respect and purpose of the organization.

8. Organs of the organization

Organs of the organization are the Presidium, and the Council

9. Presidium

1. The presidium consists of the following members (the president, the vice-president, the secretary general, the treasurer and up to six members at large to whom particular portfolios can be attributed). The chairpersons of standing committees are members without voting right of the Presidium. An appointed Executive Director or the EFNR’s Secretariat or EFNR office managers are eligible to join the Presidium, but does not have any voting rights.
2. The Presidium is elected by the Council. In case of vacancy of an elected member of the presidium, the presidium can appoint another eligible member who has to be confirmed in the following Council meeting. In case of a complete vacancy of the presidium for a longer period of time, the financial auditor or the EFNR Secretariat is obliged to call in a Council meeting as soon as possible in order to elect a new presidium. In case that also the financial auditors are not able to do that, every ordinary member recognizing this situation can call for appointment of a curator of the responsible court. The curator has to call in a general assembly immediately.
3. The election period of the presidium is two years. Re-election is possible for one or more term. Every function within the presidium has to be executed in person.
4. The presidium is called in for meetings at least twice per year and on all EFNR Congresses by the president or the vice-president in written form (mail or email). If the president or the vice president are not able to operate for a long period of time, all the members of the presidium are allowed to call in for a presidium meeting.
5. The presidium can make decisions when all members have been invited in time and at least half of them are present.
6. The presidium decides by simple majority of votes. In case of equal votes, the vote of the president is decisive.
7. The presidium is chaired by the president and in case of his/her absence by the vice president. In case the vice president can not chair the presidium, the chair is taken by the oldest member of the presidium or by a member of the presidium who has been voted for this position by the other members of the presidium.
8. Except for death or end of the function period the function of a member of the presidium can also terminate by exclusion or by stepping back from the position.
9. The Council can at any time suspend the entire presidium or individual members. The suspension becomes effective with the installation of a new presidium or presidium member.
10. Every member of the presidium can at any time step back from office. The declaration of resignation has to be addressed to the presidium in written form. In case that the entire presidium steps back, the resignation has to be addressed to the Council. Resignations become effective only after election of a new presidium or new members.

10. Function of the Presidium

The presidium is responsible for governing the day-by-day activities of the organization. It is the governing organ in terms of general law. In particular the presidium has to following obligations:
1. Installation of an accounting system appropriate to the organization with current accounting of income and outcome, working on the ongoing asset balance of the organization.
2. Proposing an annual budget (business plan), an annual report of the activities and an annual closing report of finances.
3. Preparation and calling in of the Council (see §12).
4. Information of the members of the organization about the activities of the organization and its approved financial status
5. Administration of the assets of the organization.
6. Acceptance and exclusions of ordinary and extra ordinary members of the organization.
7. Employment and termination of possible employees of the organization.
8. Nomination of chairperson of EFNR committees.

11. Special obligation of individual members of the presidium

1. The chairman (President) is responsible for the ongoing business of the organization. The secretary general supports the president in this point.
2. The chairman represents the organization in all duties at site. Statements by the organization have to be signed by the president and the secretary general and in financial affairs (asset management) by the president (or secretary general) and the treasurer. Any form of written business between members of the presidium and the organization needs a confirmation by another member of the presidium.
3. Judicial authorization to represent the organization can only be given by members of the presidium as indicated in 2.
4. In case of economic emergency the president is allowed on his own responsibility to make decisions which otherwise have to be made by the general assembly or the presidium.
5. The president chairs the Council and Presidium meetings.
6. The secretary general is responsible for documentation of the protocols of general assembly and the presidium meetings.
7. The treasurer is responsible for a lawful financial behavior of the organization.
8. In case of absence the role of the president, secretary general and treasurer can be taken by their respective deputies.

12. The Council

The Council consists of the following members with voting right:
1. The members of the Presidium
2. Presidents (or nominated representatives) of all European National Member Societies
3. The Chairpersons of Standing Committees.

-without voting rights
4. The representatives of international societies cooperating with EFNR

The Council

a) Receives and proves the annual reports by the presidium and the financial auditors
b) Elects the members of the presidium and the financial auditor (s)
c) Proves legal resolutions between financial auditor (s) and the organization
d) Exonerates the presidium
e) Fixes and with draws of honorary memberships
f) Votes on changes of the constitution and dissolution of the organization

The Council, at a minimum, shall meet during each EFNR Congress.

Intermediate meetings of the Council may be called by the Presidium or when one third of the Council members indicate the need for such an intermediate meeting. This must be requested by mail or email to the President.
Strategic decisions and voting for of the EFNR shall be made by simple majority vote of the Council.
Voting e.g., for presidium members can be given in digital form after the voting right has been determined (e.g., by registration to an EFNR congress.)

An extraordinary Council meeting can be invoked by
a) decision of the presidium and the ordinary general assembly
b) written request for at least 20 % of the membership
c) request from the financial auditor (s) (see §21)
d) decision of the financial auditor (s) (see §21)
e) decision of a curator determined by general law within four weeks

3. Council members have to be invited for ordinary or extra ordinary general assemblies at least two weeks prior to the date by postal letter, fax or email. The invitation has to be accompanied by an agenda approved by the Presidium.
4. Applications for the Council meeting have to be handed in at least three days prior to the date of the assembly to the presidium, in written form, by fax or email.
5. Decisions can be made only on topics listed in the agenda.
7. The Council is able to pass resolutions without respect of the number of members attending.
8. Voting in the Council is by simply majority of the votes. A resolution implying the dissolution of the organization needs a qualified (75%) majority of the given votes.
The council is chaired by the president or his/her deputy. Should the deputy not be present, automatically the oldest member of the Council chairs.

13. Committees

The EFNR has at least the following standing committees:
1. Congress/ Program committee
2. Training and Education committee
3. Scientific Committee
The Council may decide to add further standing committees and to discharge standing committees whenever appropriate. The Chairpersons are appointed by the Presidium.

14. Financial auditor(s)

1. The financial auditor (s) is elected by the general assembly for the period of two years. Re-election is possible. The financial auditor (s) may not be part of any other organ (except the Council) of the organization.
2. The financial auditor (s) controls the current business, the financial balance of the organization and the use of the assets of the organization in lawful and constitution competitive way. The presidium has to submit the necessary information to the financial auditors and the auditors give a report about their financial voting to the presidium.
3. Any business between the financial auditor (s) and the organization has to be proved by the Council.

15. Dissolution

1. The dissolution of the organization can only be made by the Council with a 2/3 majority of the votes.
2. The Council can vote about the dissolution of the assets of the organization. It has to determine a liquidator and to decide who is going to take over the remaining assets of the organization. Care has to be taken to ascertain that assets are transferred only to organizations following similar purposes or to another charity as determined by majority vote of the Council.

16. Transitory rules

The changes in constitution will be effective after the approval of the Council.