BlogNewsThe Romanian Minister of Health signed the Declaration on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E)

The Romanian Minister of Health signed the Declaration on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E)

SAP Europe document

On May 22 2023, the Romanian Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila, signed the Declaration on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E), a strategic plan developed by the European Stroke Organization and Stroke Alliance for Europe, set to be implemented by 2030. This plan aims to significantly reduce the number of stroke incidents and their long-term consequences.

The Declaration includes four major objectives to be achieved by 2030:

  • a 10% overall reduction of stroke cases;
  • the treatment of at least 90% of stroke patients in specialized units (“stroke unit”) as the first level of care;
  • the development of national plans for stroke to encompass the entire spectrum of care;
  • the development and implementation of strategies for multisectoral public health interventions that positively impact cerebrovascular diseases;

The Ministry of Health will work on implementing these measures in collaboration with professional partners at the national level (the Neurology Commission of the Ministry of Health, led by Prof. Dr. Dafin F. Mureșanu and the Romanian Society of Neurology, through Prof. Dr. Cristina Tiu, the coordinator of the Priority Action for Acute Stroke), and internationally – European Stroke Organization, World Stroke Organization, and European Federation of Neurorehabilitation Societies. Through these collaborations, we aim to improve patients’ access to quality treatments and services, promote research and innovation in the field of cerebrovascular diseases, and ensure an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to the care of stroke patients.

In this context, it’s important to also mention that the signing of the SAP-E Declaration aligns with the objectives of the National Health Strategy 2023-2030 and the National Strategy for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases in Romania, a project initiated by the Ministry of Health and professionally coordinated by Prof. Dr. Dragoș Vinereanu and Prof. Dr. Dafin F. Mureșanu, corresponding members of the Romanian Academy. These strategies will work in synergy with the Stroke Action Plan for Europe to strengthen efforts to prevent and treat strokes in our country.

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